#GivingTuesday: Miracle in India

    Heart of God International Ministries in India has been working for years to spread the Gospel into both reached and unreached areas. In recent months, however, emphasis has increased on preserving the integrity of the Word of God in evangelism due widespread efforts to introduce a distorted gospel.

    PastorsMeet1Each month, pastors from communities assemble together at Heart of God India‘s Ministry Center for three days to study and pray together in order to be well-equipped to expose false teaching. Because the distortion of the gospel is so prevalent, these dedicated men are determined to preach and teach the truth in their churches and villages. They know first-hand that it is only the Truth that will set people free from the bondage of false religion, cleanse the sin-sick soul, and open eyes of those who are blinded by the teachings of Hinduism and other false religions.

    Baptism in India is one of the most beautiful events to witness — it is indeed a miracle to see a transformed life take this final step of surrendering one’s life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It is this ministry’s commitment to the integrity of the Gospel to insure that any man, woman or child who claims to be a Christian understand the TRUE Gospel, denouncing any other religion or gospel they may have received.  It is no small matter in the life of an Indian to publicly declare their relationship with Christ through baptism. A miracle, indeed!


    Please pray with us for the ministry in India. The challenges there are great. But, we are convinced that there is nothing too difficult for our God — not even the propagation of a false gospel. This isn’t a contemporary problem; even the Apostles were faced with the challenge of a gospel contrary to the Truth they preached to the people.

    But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!” (Galatians 1:8)

    Your generous gift on #GivingTuesday will help to strengthen the ministry in India. We are so grateful to all those who partner with us in prayer and monetarily. May God continue to bless you as you bless countless others!


    By | 2016-11-22T13:14:55+00:00 November 27th, 2015|GivingTuesday|0 Comments

    About the Author:

    “We are debtors to every man to give him the gospel in the same measure in which we have received it.” This quote by P. F. Bresee sums up the motive of Jan’s heart. Whether through her speaking, teaching, pen and paper, her trusty laptop, or music score, spreading the Gospel is of paramount importance. Whether a Bible study, devotional, short story, poem, website copy, testimonies, or new songs from the depth of her heart in worship, the presentation of the Gospel creativity flows from her heart with passion, purpose, and proof that the Lord is the central focus of her entire life. Jan’s heart beats in constant rhythm of encouragement for today along with hope for tomorrow based on her love for the Word of God, His Body, and those who have yet to hear the the Gospel of Jesus Christ.