Heart of God International Ministries

Heart of God Asia (Mid-2018 Update)


One of Heart of God Asia‘s primary functions is to equip pastors throughout Asia as we partner with them in reaching Asia with the Good News. We consider it an honor to be a channel through which countless men, women and children are engaged with the eternal message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The Word of God is our primary tool. The Spirit of God is our primary source. Salvation through Jesus Christ alone is our primary message. We know you will want to participate in this most critical outreach as we push forward into new and exciting regions throughout Asia!

Formerly known as Heart of God India, we felt led to expand our borders to include all of Asia while we continue to pray for God to fill our open position with the one He has called and equipped to lead this ministry.  The change in name represents an expanded vision, more about which we will share later. We are indeed in the midst of some exciting developments which will impact more people, prayerfully many who have never been reached or engaged with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (See report on Romans1520.)

While we are in this time of rebuilding and restoration, we want to share two important projects with you while praying that the Lord will move on your heart to get involved at some level:

Heart of God AsiaPastor Prasad
Sometimes it’s difficult for us to understand the depth and breadth of sacrifice made by many pastors in remote areas across the globe as they serve the Lord with their whole hearts. Their lives are not only impacted by poverty, their hearts are knit together with those to whom they minister, sharing in the pain of sickness and lack while, at the same time, trying to encourage them in the Lord. 

This humble church in LND Peta, a tribal village in India, needs a roof. The people have no protection from the weather when they gather to worship. The blistering sun. The rains and monsoons. And, that’s only a sampling of what they endure as they come together to worship the Lord and be encouraged with the Word of God. Pastor Prasad and his family live simple lives, asking nothing more of the Lord than that which is essential for life. He lives to minister to his village, sacrificially and enthusiastically. 

Pastor Prasad has contacted local contractors and presented us with the price of materials, equipment and delivery charges which will cover the cost of adding a cement sheet roof to the structure. This will be adequate to give some protection and relief to his congregation. He’s not asking for a huge building or elaborate temple … all he asks is help to provide a simple place where people will feel welcome and loved because they have evidence of the Father’s hand extended to them through believers thousands of miles away. What a powerful message of love and encouragement to send to them … what a powerful way for us to be encouraged as we give sacrificially.

Can we count on your help to help this pastor meet the needs of his local church? All total, we will need to raise $900 to cover this need. 

Please pray about how you can participate in sending a profound message of love and encouragement to Pastor Prasad and those believers who gather to worship and celebrate the goodness of God even in the midst of their troubles. Thank you for your prayerful consideration! 

Build A Roof

Aparna’s Success Story

Heart of God Asia AparnaWhile we do not normally focus on one child’s needs in particular, there is a time when we want to celebrate successes and encourage a young person to follow their dreams through furthering their education. In this case, this young woman has been through a lot in life and yet maintained her determination to succeed in order to one day reach her goals. This is something we know you will also want to celebrate!

You may remember Aparna from several years ago as she was part of our sponsorship program in India. I remember her clearly as being a delightful girl, eager to please with a true servant heart and a smile to melt your heart. Unfortunately, the time came when she was unable to remain in the home where she spent most of her youth and was faced with some tough decisions. We are happy to report that she has now completed her “10+2” education and graduated from what would be equivalent to our High School with emphasis on commerce. She is now planning six semesters of commerce and computer studies, after which she will have two years of study to reach her goal.  Her dream is to complete college and become a teacher.

Within the past few days, Aparna has moved back to live with the family she calls her own. They were eager to receive her although another mouth to feed will be a challenge. Yet, they welcomed her with open arms. 

We would like to give our friends and partners an opportunity to help Aparna with her school and living expenses so she can focus on her studies.  She’s worked hard to achieve all she has. But now her focus must be on her studies and achieving her dreams.

Here is a breakdown of her financial needs in order to further her education:

  • College Fees: $350.00/year
  • Books:  $40.00/year
  • Travel Year:  $140.00/year
  • Uniforms (2) per year:  $75.00/year
  • Semester Fees:  $25.00/semester

Monthly Sponsorship (housing and meals):  $30.00/month

Sponsor Aparna
College Fund

Ministry Opportunity

If you think you may be called and have a stirring in your heart for Asia and are willing to take the reins and lead an international ministry with huge potential for spiritual impact, or if you know someone who you believe would be perfect for the position, please contact Jan Ross, President of Heart of God International, to discuss this opportunity further. We welcome every serious inquiry and will respond as quickly as possible.  Thank you for your prayerful and serious consideration.

Africa Update
Asia Update
Haiti Update
Israel Update
SBM Update
Romans1520 Update
Jan Ross Update
Looking For Leaders