HGA-Womens Center

Womens CenterImagine yourself a destitute woman. No one able or wanting to help you. If someone would just give you a hand up, not a hand out. The widows of Bunambutye were those destitute women, until generous donors followed the lead of Jesus and gave them a hand up. This is phase one of the widows center, designed as a Harvest house. A place to store their harvest during famine, and allow them to market these items as well and provide for themselves and their children. Your giving counts!

By | 2015-11-20T13:30:35+00:00 November 14th, 2014|Comments Off on HGA-Womens Center

About the Author:

“We are debtors to every man to give him the gospel in the same measure in which we have received it.” This quote by P. F. Bresee sums up the motive of Jan’s heart. Whether through her speaking, teaching, pen and paper, her trusty laptop, or music score, spreading the Gospel is of paramount importance. Whether a Bible study, devotional, short story, poem, website copy, testimonies, or new songs from the depth of her heart in worship, the presentation of the Gospel creativity flows from her heart with passion, purpose, and proof that the Lord is the central focus of her entire life. Jan’s heart beats in constant rhythm of encouragement for today along with hope for tomorrow based on her love for the Word of God, His Body, and those who have yet to hear the the Gospel of Jesus Christ.