
Heart of God International Ministries is a family of ministries … a network of outreaches all partnering together under the umbrella of the parent organization. Take a moment to consider the image above. Out of the original ministry, several ministries have grown to reach into different regions of the world with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each ministry exists as a part of the whole — is fruit of the tree originally planed by the Lord in the hearts of co-founders Jan Ross and Jeanice McDade. Today, the organization continues to grow, not only in scope but in breadth of activity such as the following (for an example):

  • Training and encouraging poor pastors and Christian leaders in India
  • Feeding impoverished school children a hot meal each day in Africa
  • Offering sponsorship opportunities to help children in Africa attend school where they learn and have a meal every day
  • Providing Bibles and study materials to enhance the military chaplain’s role in the United States Armed Forces
  • Making it possible for widows and single mothers in Haiti to build a business and earn a living so they can keep their children rather than surrender them to someone else to raise
  • Developing teaching and discipleship materials based on the Hebraic roots of our faith
  • Partnering with Aviv Ministries by supporting a Rehabilitation Center for women in Haifa
  • Providing scholarships for children too poor to go to school in Haiti
  • Planting churches in remote villages in Africa including South Sudan
  • And so much more …

#GivingTuesday is your opportunity to be part of the work Heart of God International is doing as Ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ. Give your most generous gift today and know that it will make a difference. Our overhead is extremely low (compared to many other non-profits) because our Directors and leadership take no salary, work from their respective homes, and personally donate into the ministry. For more details, see HGIM’s 2014 Annual Report.

Heart of God International is fruitful soil yielding a harvest in the Kingdom. Please consider partnering with us by your gift this #GivingTuesday.  Use any of the links on this page to make your donation … thank you!

By | 2015-11-20T13:20:47+00:00 November 17th, 2014|Comments Off on Family

About the Author:

“We are debtors to every man to give him the gospel in the same measure in which we have received it.” This quote by P. F. Bresee sums up the motive of Jan’s heart. Whether through her speaking, teaching, pen and paper, her trusty laptop, or music score, spreading the Gospel is of paramount importance. Whether a Bible study, devotional, short story, poem, website copy, testimonies, or new songs from the depth of her heart in worship, the presentation of the Gospel creativity flows from her heart with passion, purpose, and proof that the Lord is the central focus of her entire life. Jan’s heart beats in constant rhythm of encouragement for today along with hope for tomorrow based on her love for the Word of God, His Body, and those who have yet to hear the the Gospel of Jesus Christ.