About HGIM

About HGIM

Heart of God International Ministries (HGIM) is a network of evangelistic ministries formed to provide a means for believers to respond to this mandate. We welcome you to join us as on this exciting journey as the Holy Spirit leads us to bring glory to God through the obedience of His people.By networking ministries with like passion and mission, Heart of God International Ministries (HGIM) was formed to fulfill the Lord’s commission to every believer …

  1. To “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15);
  2. To be a demonstration of love, mercy, and compassion to all nations, people groups, languages, and beliefs;
  3. To offer humanitarian relief and assistance in the time of disaster, calamity, and/or war to all people regardless of race, nationality, religious preferences, age, or gender;
  4. To expand the global Body through the planting of new churches and assemblies and ongoing discipleship;
  5. To encourage unity in the Body of Christ breaking down denominational barriers so the emphasis on our corporate commission of being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ will effectively communicate the Gospel; and
  6. To enable the precious and sacred gifts bestowed on mankind through faith in Christ so the full benefit of God-given talents can be utilized for the expansion and strengthening of His kingdom on earth.
  7. To honor God by representing Him in all things as we fulfill His mandate to all believers so He alone might be glorified throughout the earth.